
Beverly Lindsay-Johnson, PresidentBeverly Lindsay-Johnson, President

In 2008, Beverly Lindsay-Johnson took over the reign of the Office of the President of the National Hand Dance Association (NHDA).  She reconstructed the organization with her vision of Hand Dance being identified by artistic and humanities institutions as an artistic and cultural art form – part of American vernacular dance. Through her efforts Hand Dance and NHDA is recognized by such institutions as the DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities, The Humanities Council of Washington, DC, The National Endowment for the Arts, and continued recognition by the Smithsonian Institution. Another component of her vision is the continued support of the Hand Dance community in the organization’s efforts to preserve Hand Dance, both classic and contemporary styles, through public outreach programming and social events. In 2011, Beverly Lindsay-Johnson was re-elected into a second term as President by the NHDA membership.