Affiliate Membership

Affiliate Membership is for any autonomous organization acting in a subsidiary capacity to NHDA. Organizations will be able to join NHDA as affiliate members by providing a specific service that relates to the goals (to preserve, educate, and promote the African American art form of hand dance) of NHDA. Affiliate members shall support and assist NHDA in any and all of its activities (fundraising events, community services, etc.) depending on its’ area of expertise.

Affiliate members are entitled to all rights as listed under the bylaws of The National Hand Dance Association for affiliate membership.  When promoting affiliation with NHDA the words “an affiliate of” is the appropriate term to use, i.e. Name of Organization, an affiliate of The National Hand Dance Association. If joint venture, “in affiliation with” would be appropriate.


  • Affiliate Membership – $85.00 per year. Any person joining NHDA through referral from the Affiliate Organization must be verified before receiving the discounted rate.
  • Affiliate Members may sponsor members or participants in affiliate group activities (dance class, etc.) at a Special rate. Must be approved.

Individual MembershipAffiliate MembershipChapter MembershipDues Payment & Membership Application